Private room in house
No housemates

I'm Francoise and look forward to hosting you for your stay in Nice. I've 1 Triple available including TV, Radio, and Desk and Lamp. My home is in a great location to get a real flavour of Nice life. Francoise is 29. She speaks French and enjoys sports, socialising, cooking, watching movies, and music, gigs, festivals Size: 9 m2 ( 96.9 ft2...

Facilities and amenities
  • Unisex bathroom
  • No Parking
  • No garden

  • TV
  • Desk
  • No air conditioning
  • No closet
No guarantor? Choose HousingAnywhere Rent Guarantee
This landlord may ask for a guarantor. HousingAnywhere Rent Guarantee saves you the hassle of finding one and comes with extra damage protection. It costs only 3% of your total contract value. Learn more
Rules and preferences
  • Age:No preference
  • Gender:No preference
  • Tenant type:Students, working professionals
Your money is safe up to 48 hours after you move inWhen you move in, if the property doesn’t match its listing description, let us know within 48 hours and you could get a refund.
Your money is safe
Booking is confirmedMove-in day48 hours after move in
Contract type

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