HousingAnywhere Payments

Our payment system is automatic and accurate, making renting easier for tenants and landlords

Easy payments, on time

Make rental payments for the duration of your tenancy with our easy-to-use online rent system. You can pay your monthly rent and any other rental costs (e.g. furnishing or repair fees) in a couple of simple steps. First, your landlord will send you a payment request (or a several, in the form of a payment plan) and secondly, you pay! To make it even more care-free for you, we’ll send reminders for each payment so you don’t need to worry about remembering due dates.

Drop the paperwork, up the visibility

Your transparent and always-up-to-date payment overview does all the hard work for you. By centralising your rent records in one digital space, you’re making it easier to stay on top of all your rental expenses. Your payment overview shows you what’s due and when, so you can be organised and plan ahead. And once you’ve paid, you can download a receipt as proof of payment and see the updated payment status in your overview.


You can trace the progress of every single payment you make from your payment overview with the Live Payment Tracking link. See exactly when we collect your money and when we’ve paid it out to your landlord.


Automated reminders

We email you 7 days before a payment request is due, 3 days before and on the due date itself

Payment overview

Your payment overview is automatically-updated with the latest status of your payments

Saved payment methods

Only enter your payment details once. We then save your payment method to save you time

Changes everything

Enjoy accurate and automated rental management with a seamless payment process from start to finish. Start mastering your own rental finances now.