A bright 3 bedroom apartment with a great view to the castle and balcony in the great location in inner city center near the TV building. Rents: - one double room for 2 girls or a couple for 2 x 170 €=340 € (free from 1st till 15th of September 2018) - one single room with couch-sofa for 270 € (occupied) - one big room with couch-sofa and open balcony for 300 € (occupied ) Costs: 70 € per person (when 4 people). In case of rent of less than 1 semester - 4 and 1/2 months + 10%/month In case of rent of less than 2 months + 20%/month In case of rent of less than 1 months + 30 %/month - final general cleaning / repairing fee at the end 25 €/per person or 50 € per room - security deposit: 150€ - you get it back at the end when no damage is done - also suitable for physically handicapped - direct access to an elevator...
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